Did you notice something wrong or someone suspicious at Bayview Harbor or the Chesney Park Boat Launch? Please report incidents using the form HERE.

2024 harbor registration is over. There are no more slips available, but you can still get a ramp key. Find all the details HERE.

The Harbor & Boat Launches

Bayview Harbor is located on the eastern shore of Stanton Bay. This location has a boat launch and 70 boat slips to rent on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Chesney Park Boat Launch is located on Columbia Bay. This location is strictly for launching boats.

For rules on the use of the harbors, please be sure to read the Harbor Rules and Regulations.
Frequently asked questions are answered below.

Bayview Park and Harbor
Chesney Park


Steve Jergensen

(224) 444-9541
[email protected]

Assistant Harbormasters
Bayview & Orchard:
Don Hickey, Mark Wilson, and Ron Duprey

[email protected]

Chesney: Tim Brooker
[email protected]

Calling all volunteers!

Are you willing to help at an event?

Are you interested in park clean-up efforts?

Do you have a specialized skill that may
come in handy with repairs at our parks?

Please fill out THIS form if interested in helping! 


Harbor Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the members of the Harbor Committee and what are their responsibilities?

The Harbor Committee is a standing committee of the association. They are a busy group of people! The committee consists of a Harbormaster, three Assistant Harbormasters, and any Board Members who wish to participate. See above for harbormaster contact information.

The Harbor Committee is responsible for the management of the Bayview Harbor, both boat launches, and the navigation of the waterways at both bays. Committee members also organize the annual Harbor Registration Day, carry out pier inspections, oversee dredging efforts, and respond to a variety of issues that arise over the course of the year.

What is this year’s harbor fee and what is covered by that fee?

The fee consists of two parts: $210 for a boat slip and $90 for the launch/harbor key. In addition, there is a $100 fee for first-time slip owners, which is put into the harbor funds.

How are the harbor fees put to use?

Association dues do not pay for any expenses related to the harbors. The harbor fees contribute to the cost of maintaining Bayview Harbor and the Chesney boat ramp area. We have ongoing expenses to dredge and repair seawalls, provide buoys and other markers, and maintain the launches. The Harbor Fund Budget is posted HERE.

How do I get on the waitlist for a boat slip? How long am I likely going to have to wait?

The wait time varies considerably, but a typical wait is 1 year. To get on the waitlist, you must become a Harbor Member by purchasing a harbor key. To remain on the waitlist, you must continue to purchase a key each year you remain on the waitlist.

Why do I need a launch/harbor key?

The launch/harbor key is used to open the chains that allow you to access the Bayview and Chesney boat ramps. Launch/harbor keys are $90 and are paid for on Harbor Registration Day. You must purchase a key in order to have a slip, even if you have a marina service and never plan on using the ramps. No exceptions!

If you fail to register on Harbor Registration Day (usually the 1st Sunday of March), you can still get your key after the annual meeting at any monthly association meeting. There will be a $50 inconvenience fee, which went back into effect on March 6, 2023.  However, you must still register ahead of time. Please follow the steps outlined HERE.

It is encouraged for members to complete registration early to avoid the lines on Harbor Registration Day. There is NO inconvenience fee charged for Early Bird Harbor Registration. See more details on the Harbor Registration page.

When can I start using my boat slip?

You can begin using your slip after your pier has been repaired and inspected (no later than the 4th Sunday in May).

When does my boat need to be removed for the season?

This is addressed in Section 22 of the Harbor Rules & Regulations:

It is strongly recommended that all boats be removed from slips by the first weekend in November. This is when the water levels are dropped by the Army Corps of Engineers. (Note: Failure to remove your boat by the recommended time may result in your boat getting stuck or unable to remove out of the water without heavy machinery. This extraction would have to be approved by the Harbormaster and completed under the supervision of a Harbormaster Assistant to ensure our seawalls, piers, ramps, and grass area are not affected in the process. If any extraction damage is done, the harbor member would be 100% responsible for the cost of repairs and may lose their right to register for a harbor slip the following year.)

In the Harbor Rules and Regulations, there’s a statement that all piers must be constructed and maintained following the FLHPOA Pier Specifications. What are those specifications? What do I need to do to have my assigned slip go through the inspection process?

Before using your designated boat slip, the pier must go through a maintenance process and pass inspection. You and your pier partner are expected to work together each year to maintain it. If you are not able to take on the responsibility of maintaining the pier, please do not register for a slip.

Download and/or print the Pier Inspection Form, review, and follow all repair/inspection instructions on it. If you need clarity on any items listed on the form, please see the Pier Specifications and Requirements. After making repairs and painting, your signed inspection form must be delivered or mailed to one of the harbormasters as soon as possible.

Upon completion and notification of the signed Pier Inspection Form, the Harbor Committee will make every attempt to inspect your pier within 48 hours. Once the pier has passed inspection, you will be notified by email, text, and/or phone. All piers must be approved by the 4th Sunday in May at 5pm.

The Harbor Registration form states that people who have slip assignments are required to participate in the Bayview Harbor Patrol. What does that entail?

Boat slip holders are required – and key holders are encouraged – to participate in the patrol in order to keep our harbor safe and secure. The duties of the patrol people are not written in stone but, generally, they include walking around the piers, looking for problems such as untied boats, damaged piers, and so on. They also patrol the park area keeping their eyes open for any problems. The patrol’s presence is an important component of our effort to address problems as quickly as possible and to keep the area safe for everyone.

I don’t plan on keeping my boat in the water. May I still use the boat launches?

All association members in good standing have boat launch privileges, but you must purchase a launch/harbor key each year and display the current year FLHPOA stickers on your trailer and your boat as your permit.

Can I park a family member's or friend's boat at our harbor?

The rule regarding boat ownership is that the watercraft MUST be registered to the name and address to the FLHPOA member in good standing. You can't park a watercraft at the harbor that is registered to a different name or a non-member.

Does my boat have to pass a safety inspection? Who does this and when?

A safety inspection is recommended but not required. For information about legally required equipment for your watercraft, please see The Handbook of Illinois Boating Laws and Responsibilities.

I’m thinking of taking a boating safety class. Where do I go for more information about this?

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources provides information on boater safety on their website.

I want to park my boat on my property. Are there any regulations about this?

FLHPOA does not have any regulations regarding the storage of a boat on personal property. However, you must adhere to relevant Lake County ordinances pertaining to parking/storing a boat on your property.

Did you see something that needs to be fixed or cleaned up at Bayview Harbor or the Chesney Boat Launch? Did you notice suspicious behavior?

Please report incidents using the form HERE.